Factoring Services and Assisted Garden Maintenance
In accordance with Government instructions, to protect our vital NHS services and those most at risk in our communities, it is agreed that Highland Residential Inverness Limited will suspended all factoring grounds maintenance, stairwell cleaning and assisted garden maintenance services, until further notice. Non-essential & routine repairs and site inspections will also be put on hold during this period.
We will continue to work with our contractors to deliver an emergency response, ensuring that they are taking all possible measures in line with government recommendations for the safety of our customers and their staff.
The factoring team colleagues have the necessary means by which to work from home and continue to be available to support with factoring related enquiries. Please email factoring@highlandresidential.co.uk or contact the team via telephone.
Highland Residential will continue to follow and review developments on a daily basis and will ensure that any further information is clearly communicated with you.
Thank you for your continuing co-operation and understanding.