Access to information

Albyn Group is committed to providing members of the public with any information they need that is held by us. Individuals have the right to access information we hold under the terms of the following legislation:

  • UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)
  • Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
  • Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004


Requesting information about yourself (Subject Access Request)

Under the terms of the UK GDPR you have the right to ask Albyn Group for any information held about you as an individual. Find out more about making a Subject Access Request.

Requesting other information we hold (Freedom of Information Request)

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 you have the right to ask Albyn Group to provide you with any information held by us.

Albyn Group already makes public lots of information in our Publication Scheme. Find out more about our Publication Scheme and view the information we publish in our Guide to Information.

The Disclosure Log details each Freedom of Information (FOI) request we have processed, including when it was received, what it concerned and our response to it. We update our Disclosure Log quarterly.
Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Requesting environmental information we hold (Environmental Information Request)

The Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 entitle you to have access to certain environmental information. Find out more about making an Environmental Information Request.